It took several years and experiences to connect these three seemingly incompatible situations: the promised land, the matrix, and the superconscious.
The daily practice of meditative writing opened up a preferential path for intuition and vision in me. Still, it was not until I had experienced the vicissitudes of my existence far and wide that I realised everything was a matrix—every life, environment, and relationship.
Of course, they also made a film about it, in which people struggled to escape the matrix, the standardisation of consciousness, control, and the dominance of machines.
The thing is more complex than the film version: matrix is the evolutionary model necessary for our soul. Let us, therefore, begin by asking ourselves:
– ‘Should we free ourselves from the matrix? Why? What do you think is the purpose of life without a matrix?’
Matrix serves the purpose of being; more precisely, it serves the awareness of being.
Getting out of the matrix is simple: every time you come to pure attention and awareness, you are out of your paradigm.
Being without patterns, models, or expectations is liberation from the matrix, understood as the consequent configuration of one’s conscious and unconscious beliefs.
There are many paths suitable for different types of people.
I follow the coordinates I receive in meditative writing – super-conscious – I fully align my physical and super-physical vehicles and accompany myself daily, ideally, to the Heart of the Sun because it is the happiest imagination I have been able to create, so as not to make useless images of God.
God remains my highest ideal of creativity, beauty, abundance, generosity, love, light/intelligence, and peace.
Over the years, I have accepted to let go – acentrism or absence of centralising and conditioning ‘-isms’ – of everything I believed or knew and in this (almost) empty vase I have made of myself, I have retained at the bottom very few things that can be summarised, as you see, in the drawing.
A sun with a central heart and a star.
I AM that little star, which is brought into full power WITH A UNIFIED ACT OF WILL IN BODY, EMOTION (ASTRAL BODY) IN MIND AND SPIRIT to express or manifest creativity, abundance*/sharing, light/consciousness, communication/communion, and joy.
By abundance, I am not referring to a flood of money but rather to a sense of fullness, integration and well-being that, like an overflowing vase, lets out a smile, a kind word, a drawing, a thought…
Daily confirming this version of me, what I want and can be determined attracts and amplifies the “Mya matrix“: the existential model yearned for by my soul.
From this modus operandi, first comes the imaginative vision and then the 3D manifestation of the ‘promised land’: that ‘state’ where you are who you want to be because you reconfirm it every day, and then you do what you love as much as possible.
What paradise could exist beyond this one?
Why should it exist elsewhere? Or rather, if one is not ready to conceive the ideal life here now, why should we be able to obtain it elsewhere, on other planets or in the beyond? Some would say ‘by grace received’….
OK, I accept 🙂 but with the knowledge that I Am is the evolutionary model containing all the existential probabilities, available one by one, according to one’s state of consciousness, which grows in the matrix…