Translations by Deepl.PRO and Grammarly
The IV Phase of acentrism consolidates and implements the previous artistic-spiritual stages, further paving the way for creations ‘in purity’.
Emotional residue no longer bursts in; don’t corrupt or distract from the intent lavished on the work.
Finally, art is an end in itself, and creation can be perceived objectively.
The artist has consolidated the permanent centre of gravity in the I Am the superconscious.
The celestial and terrestrial bodies of the artist are aligned and interconnected, allowing the materialisation of spirit and the spiritualisation of matter.
Duality loses consistency in favour of the vision of the single eye.
A unified, profound and subtle vision, like the ability to tune into the sound of silence in an inhabited centre.
An in-depth reading on ‘video art’ is currently available in my ebook only in italian.