Translations by Deepl.PRO and Grammarly



Is it mere superstition to believe that the mind has the power to create golems, thought-forms almost endowed with an autonomous life, animated by the energy with which we endow them?

Deciding whether or not to believe in their existence has considerable effects both on ourselves and on our relationship with reality…

If we admit that it is possible to create ‘golems’ with a life of their own through our ‘creative imagination’, our thoughts immediately turn to the so-called ‘larvae’, those entities that have been spoken about by men since ancient times in all traditions (Egyptians, Mayans and Tibetans have even handed down the equivalent of a Michelin guide on the subject). The ‘so-called’ larvae are shells, ‘psychic corpses’, remnants of the subtle bodies, and can remain active long after physical death, animated by what the Egyptians called khabbit (not to be confused with ka), the lower shadow of the deceased… generated by having animated during life one or more thought-forms with fear, anger, jealousy, grief, lust, morbidity, and so on. ..these ‘animated shells’ can unravel over a very long period of time and be temporarily inhabited by far more dangerous parasitic ‘subtle entities’, perhaps temporarily evoked by the thoughtless activity of some medium, who take on the external forms of the ‘larva’ into which they have entered.

The existence of “larvae” would explain a large part of the phenomena of spirit conjuring, which would appear, if such an explanation were true, to be devoid of any spiritual “aura” and, indeed, totally inadvisable as harmful to the health, both physical and psychic, of those who practise spiritualism.
In this regard, Alexandra David Neel, in ‘Mystics and Magicians of Tibet’, quotes the speech of a Tibetan hermit who responded to the question of whether one should be sceptical about the possibility that the mind’s creations could be ‘objectivised’ as follows: ‘Do you think it is enough not to believe in the existence of tigers to be sure of not being devoured by them? Whether operating consciously or unconsciously, the objectification of mental creations is a very mysterious process. What do these creations become? Can it not be that like children born of our flesh, these children of our spirit escape our control and come either at some future time or immediately to live a life of their own?” “Making a comparison, imagine a river and some distance from its bank, a space of dry land where you live. The fish never come near your dwelling, but if you dig a channel between the river and the place where you live and at the end of this channel a pond, then with the water flowing in and filling the pond, the fish will come from the river and you will be able to see them swimming right in front of you. One must be careful not to open these ‘channels’ lightly. Few people worry about what the bottom of the universe contains that they drill thoughtlessly”.

Well, speaking of the vampire larvae that feed on the thought-forms of the living, that come to guide their thoughts and emotions, sucking life energy, is that the only real defence against these entities is WORK ON YOURSELF. These larvae can be psychic corpses, remnants of lives dominated by negative passions and emotions, as we have said, or even be artificially created by operators who are unaware of what they are doing, or, consciously, by counter-initiation adepts, or be psychic corpses ‘inhabited’ by more or less dangerous non-human entities, but the hold they have on the living consists in their ‘resonance’ with similar negative passions, with their indulging in morbidity, anger, ego hypertrophy, and fears. …Those who tread the Luminous Path offer no ‘foothold’ to these entities, we might say that their soul has , for them, ‘an unpleasant taste’….

Of course, for reasons that can easily be guessed, the places where these ‘larvae’ find plentiful feasts and strengthen themselves are not only hospitals or cemeteries, but also mass gatherings of every sign and colour… This will lead us to talk, in the last part of this article, about ‘eggregors’, the thought-forms created by a collectivity of men who share passions, a common intent and an active imagination of the forces at work in the universe.

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